Posts Tagged ‘Love of Neighbor’

On Loving God

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

Thursday of 5th Week of Easter

Acts 15: 7-21; John 15: 9-11

By Deacon Larry Brockman


“Remain in my Love”.  That is Jesus’ advice to us.  And how do we do that- by keeping Jesus’ commandments to us: loving God first, and our neighbor as ourselves.  After all, that was his primary commandment. 


But Jesus also told the Apostles that whatever they bound on earth would be bound in heaven.  And so Jesus gave the authority to the Church to define right and wrong a little more explicitly.   We are bound to listen to what Holy Mother the Church has to say about faith and morals.  So “remaining in my love” is simple in concept, but yet, difficult in practice.  Or is it that we make it more difficult than it is?


When we were very young our parents were everything to us.  We wanted their love more than anything else.  And especially with our Mom’s, we were recipients of unconditional love.  We soon learned that such love was most lavishly displayed when we did what our parents commanded us to do, or didn’t do what they wanted us not to do, as the case might dictate.  At first, we didn’t question their authority or their commandments.  Whatever they said was what we would do.  But then, as we grew older, we began to question.  Some of us even dared to know better than our parents!  And like all good parents, they let us go.  And so, there came a time when we found ourselves out on our own, replicating the same cycle of parent and child, soon to be idolized by our own children.  And when they idolized us, we often reflected on how brilliant our own parents really were after all.


Isn’t that similar to how our relationship goes with Jesus?  When we first learn about God, we don’t question his commandments.  But the more we learn; the more we begin to question.  And there comes a time in our relationship with God, after we learn to think for ourselves, that we even dare to second guess what God has revealed as his law through Holy Mother the Church.  Sometimes I hear that sentiment quite explicitly.  “Well, I know what the Church teaches, but I don’t believe that”  Really. 


You see, there is a difference.  Because unlike the relationship we have with our children, we do not ever achieve parity with God.  God remains so far above us that we cannot appreciate the depth of the separation.  True, He is an intimate God who sent His only son among us.  But, His ways are not our ways, and we don’t understand why things are the way they are.  That’s why He left the Apostles and the Church for us; to teach us the truth so that we could believe.  And by believing, we mean accepting on faith what the Church teaches.


For all those who believe and keep His commandments; for all those who remain in Jesus love, the reward is clear.  Our joy will be complete.  It is that simple.