Wednesday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
St. Maria Soledad Torres
Heb 10: 11-18; Mark 4:1-20
Deacon Larry Brockman
“I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them upon their minds.” This is the New Covenant of the Lord as Paul presented it to the Hebrews. And you know what? When people are committed to their Faith, when they seek the Lord and desire to do his will as an integral part of their lives, then the New Covenant applies to them.
I suppose that the large crowd that came to hear Jesus was full of folks who came for some very different reasons. On the surface, they came to hear this special preacher because of his reputation. But really, only some came because they were seeking after the meaning of life. Others came because it was the thing to do; or they felt justified by seeking spiritual diversity; or they wanted to belong; or they were dragged there by their spouse or family; or any of a number of other reasons.
And what did they hear? They heard about seeds sewn along a path. Can’t you just imagine the reaction? What’s he talking about? What a bunch of baloney? I came here for this? What does this have to do with me? Is that all there is?
But you know what, many folks come to Mass sometimes on Sundays for some of the same reasons. Some come because they are committed to their faith with their hearts. But there are many other reasons that other folks come- some to justify themselves or to become belong to a community; others as sort of a guilt offering for their pre-occupation with the world; or because of peer pressure from their spouse or family; or to serve as an example for their children. God bless them for whatever reason they come because they may be converted in heart by the living word of God at any time.
But this morning, Jesus makes it clear he is looking for people who are truly committed to him with their hearts. They may not be perfect- nobody is perfect. And the people who think they are perfect, well they are probably the ones with the most to learn. But they come with all humility seeking something better- the real meaning of life.
Now Jesus spoke the truth in parables so that only those who came to hear him with their hearts would perceive the truth. Jesus deliberately structured his message to challenge his audience. He was challenging them to be open with their hearts and minds to a new and exciting message about the ultimate purpose of life. Anyone who was committed to the earth and fleshly existence would perceive that message as a lot of baloney. Only those who were honestly seeking the truth would be open to it. If their minds and hearts were open to his message; they would get it because the Spirit of the Lord would work on them.
The same thing is true today each and every time folks come to Mass. When you hunger and thirst for the Word of God with your heart, and you yearn to receive the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, then coming to Mass on Sunday, and in fact any time you come to Mass; well then, the Mass will be something special to you.
But when you come for any of the other reasons, there will always be something wrong- the music wasn’t quite right; the homily was too long; it’s the same old thing every time, and on and on.
When Paul quotes the Old Testament; “I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them upon their minds.” He is talking to all of the people of God who come before him honestly seeking the truth. To those, the Spirit will move them to understand what is hidden from the multitude. The salvation promised in the New Covenant belongs to such as these.