26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Num 11: 25-29; James 5: 1-6; Mark 9: 38-43, 45, 47-48
Dc. Larry Brockman
I want all of you to think of yourselves as special today. Because just like the people in Moses time, you are in that special group of people on whom the Spirit of the Lord has descended. In fact, you are kind of like Eldad and Medad, who were absent from the main assembly, but, as believers, they were still gifted with the spirit. So, even though you are not out there working and mixing with the main assembly; you are still gifted with the Spirit- a spirit who gives people the ability to counsel, to prophesy, to teach, and to comfort, among other things.
And you know what? You are badly needed right where you are to do exactly that. In fact, you are especially needed right where you are because many of your contemporaries are at the end of the line. They have lived the fast track of life, and now it has ended and they don’t know where they are going. But you know where you are going. You are all looking forward to the everlasting state of happiness in the Kingdom of God. Yes, the kingdom is there for all who believe and repent of their sin.
And so, it has already begun for you because despite your infirmities and limitations, you know that the best part of life lies ahead; and the joy that comes with that knowledge fills you as you bear the hardships of life.
Are you ready to perform mighty deeds? Because many of the folks right here with you are waiting to hear about the good news, and to be blessed with the same spirit that you have dwelling within you- a spirit of hope, of comfort, of enthusiasm, and of peace in the future. Jesus says it well in today’s Gospel: “Whoever is not against us is with us”; and “anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward”. That is all of you who show your love and spirit to your fellow mankind, especially those who are lost and looking for meaning in life and the future. By your spirit, the spirit of hope and of joy, you can transform others who are confused and seeking the truth.
Now to be sure there are many out here that fit the description in James letter today. They have lived life mostly for themselves. But now, their gold and silver has corroded, and that corrosion has been a testimony against them; they “lived on earth in luxury and pleasure”; they “have fattened their hearts for the day of slaughter”. They have condemned; and they have injured the righteous.
But you, brothers and sisters have good news for them because it is not too late to for them to repent. You can be instruments of conversion, because you bear the truth, and by your example and testimony, you demonstrate that Love conquers all, and that life with God is our ultimate goal. Surely, if you do that, your reward will not be lost.