Col 3: 16
Dc. Larry Brockman
Well, are you all fired up!
I see that most, if not all of you were there last week to hear Fr. Larry Richards rousing words of support for this Chapel. And you folks that come to this Benediction regularly, you are certainly part of the core worshipers here. So, how could you not be fired up after Fr. Richards talk.
And what was so special about his talk? Well, he preached to us about how we can make a difference. He gave an example about how a group of devout people who come before the Blessed Sacrament in regular worship in his parish, all of whom shared a common goal- the closing of the Abortion clinic down the street from them- were successful.
Well, I am here to tell you that we can do the same thing. We can unite behind a common cause in our local community and together, our voices will be heard.
How appropriate that is for this time of the Church Year. After all, we just celebrated the beginning of the Church. And our readings during the week chronicle how the Apostles responded to Jesus’ command to go out and preach to all nations.
Today is the feast of St. Barnabas, who converted to the faith and helped St. Paul with his ministry to the Gentiles. Things are not so different here from that first century because our country seems to be losing the faith. Our Judeo-Christian roots have been greatly damaged by the prevailing Secular attitude in this country today. But you, we, all of us here, can make a difference. Because we believe, we truly believe that the prayers of a humble, contrite people who pray together for a common cause will be heard. If only we are all fired up!
So, let’s do it.