What the World Needs Now is Prayer!

Tuesday Benediction

2 Chron 7:14

Dc. Larry Brockman

Reparation!  This holy hour is about reparation. 

And for sure, each of us has come here tonight in all humility to seek the forgiveness of the Lord for our personal shortcomings.   

But the fact is that we are a fractured, divided people.   Political acrimony and divisiveness permeate our country.  Our congress seems stalemated, and unable to get anything meaningful done.  Some people are so focused on the acrimony that they are actually hindering efforts to solve our problems.   

And you know what?  This environment is kind of like what the Israeli people faced at the time Chronicles was written.  But the people came together collectively in all humility to ask for God’s help- His help to heal their land.   

We need that too, we need to heal our Land.  And to do that, we need to turn from our evil ways, pray to God for forgiveness, and make reparation for our collective sins.   

When I was young, each Sunday we would pray at the foot of the altar for the conversion of Russia.  And guess what?  The communist regime fell, and now Russia’s Eastern Orthodox faith is alive and well.  True, they have a long way to go.  But our prayers worked- our collective prayers.   

We have a long way to go in this country now as well.  Much of our country has lost its faith and moral anchor.  That’s why there is so much acrimony.  So, we need to humbly come before the Lord as we have tonight.to ask for God’s forgiveness and help.  And our reparation consists of the shining example of a believing, faith filled community.  A community that believes that this kind of group prayer does work.  Amen. 

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